The world’s first two-person, titanium-hulled submersible fully tested to 120% of full ocean depth (FOD) and commercially certified for thousands of dives. It is accompanied by a 68 meter dedicated research & exploration ship, a trio of advanced FOD-capable seafloor landers as well as an FOD-capable echo sounder and multi-beam sonar capable of mapping the sea floor – a technical Tour de Force.

The Ultimate Submersible
DSV Limiting Factor
Unlike the two other submersibles to ever reach Full Ocean Depth, Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV) Limiting Factor is designed – and commercially certified by the international maritime authority DNV-GL – for extensive, repeated dives to that depth.
Limiting Factor is the only human-occupied vessel that can visit any place in our oceans, at any depth , and from virtually any properly-equipped ship. The sub provides an incredible platform for science, film-making and exploration.
As a tool for geographic exploration, the Limiting Factor is one of the most uniquely-capable, piloted vehicles in seafaring history.
Pressure Drop
DSSV Pressure Drop is a newly refitted scientific research vessel. Astern, the 12+ ton A-Frame is used to launch and recover Limiting Factor. On the main deck, both a wet- and dry-lab offer dedicated space for science activities. Onboard, comfortable accommodation is provided for up to 49 personnel.