Ring of Fire Expedition
Expedition to various points in the Pacific Ocean.

The Ring of Fire Expedition is now complete. The expedition was organized into four phases starting in June, each with a unique set of goals.

Dive Series I
Challenger Deep June 5 – 15
Dr Kathy Sullivan, the first woman to the bottom of Challenger Deep
Two additional dives to the “Eastern Pool” of Challenger Deep
First 4K video recording of Challenger Deep
Extensive topological and ecological survey

Dive Series II
Challenger Deep June 17 – 28
Descent of Kelly Walsh, Dr. Don Walsh’ son, to the bottom of the Western Pool of Challenger Deep – 60 years after has father did it
Two additional dives to Challenger Deep, including the first person of taiwanese descent, Dr. Y.T. Lin.
Extensive topological and ecological survey

Scientific Lander Series
Northern Mariana Trench & Black Hole June 29 – July 26
First multiple lander descents to the Nero, Tinian, Saipan and Rota Deeps in the Northern Mariana Trench
Extensive scientific research across different depths and locations
Continued deep-water multibeam mapping for NOAA priority areas

Deep Ocean Mapping
Northern “Ring of Fire” Trenches July 26 – August 28
Continued extensive mapping of previously unmapped seafloors in the Japan, Kamchatka, and Aleutian Islands Trenches
Cross the threshold of over one million square kilometers of new multibeam mapping since early 2019
End this phase of the Ring of Fire expedition in Hawaii for ships and sub maintenance and refit